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$( "#success").slideDown( "slow" ); setTimeout(function() { $( "#success").slideUp( "slow" ); }, 3000); form.reset(); }, error: function() { $( "#loader").hide(); $( "#error").slideDown( "slow" ); setTimeout(function() { $( "#error").slideUp( "slow" ); }, 3000); } }); return false; // required to block normal submit since you used ajax } }); } /*========================================================================== WHEN DOCUMENT LOADING ==========================================================================*/ $(window).on('load', function() { preloader(); sliderBgSetting(); toggleMobileNavigation(); smallNavFunctionality(); //smoothScrolling($("#navbar > ul > li > a[href^='#']"), $(".site-header .navigation").innerHeight()); if($(".header-style-2").length) { smoothScrolling($("#navbar > ul > li > a[href^='#']"), 88); } else if(($(".header-style-1").length) || $(".header-style-3").length) { smoothScrolling($("#navbar > ul > li > a[href^='#']"), $(".site-header .navigation").innerHeight()); 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